Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The only thing I miss. . .

I haven't written here in a long time, I know.  I haven't really known what to say.  I haven't really talked much. . . Nothing. . . Just taking it all in.  It's kind of crazy to wake up the entire country away from my best friend every day now.  Yea, the sad thing is. . . The only thing I miss right now is bunny.  I miss my neighbor girl friend some, but gosh. . . me and bunny.  We spent some time together.  She was there when no one else was.

Gosh I am crazy, aren't I?  I don't know but I am flittering away into a brand new something.  I don't know what I am trying to say.  I am happy to be with O.  It's nice to have that in my life and I will hold onto that for all I can right now and ride this wave of life.

Anyway, I do miss you bunny and I am proud of you.
